Saturday, 6 June 2020

"Think" before you say something.

Words and glasses are similar because glasses ones broken cannot be the same, & the words ones spoken cannot be taken lost on one person, cannot be the same feeling till death.Words should be soft spoken, the listeners should be eger to hear the next words. Speaking depends on brain because half knowledge people speaks alot , the person filled with knowledge speaks a Senectence and has thousands of meanings in it. 

People share whatever they wish to share. Only in anger the real face and true opinion on a person come out without consciousness. Butter words are just for their need. In anger there will be no time to think and act. Most of the time it breaks a relationship. Control the 
angryness to be good from outside and inside.
Think and speak. 

Don't get upset with people and by their words because they are powerless without your reaction. 

Thanks for reading my blog. Share your opinion about this article in comment💬. 

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