The solution to a problem lies in the problem itself. This means the cure for pain will be in pain itself just find the cure and find weak point in it and solve it .
Don't try to run away or stay away from problems , solve it on the spot because tomorrow is too late ,sometimes never comes. Don't say lie and make people stay with happiness, say the truth let them die but saying one lie build thousands of lies. Never force yourself into unworthy consequences.
Problem in life is common because life is only facing the problem and moving forward. Staying at one place scared for reactions and pain, doesn't give permanent cure. Solve it with positivity and move on.
Let me give you an example : some are good at mathematics and they find their solution easily and some are not good at mathematics gives reason like it's tough, confusing& one wrong step will ruin the way to reach solution. Now there are two mentalities ask good mathematics solvers how could you solve it easily, they give their answer as it's a practice and hard work and the main goal is they love solving problems the end solution is worth giving tough while solving it. Same trick adapt in life the happiness relaxation after solving the problem is heavenly feeling you heart feels soft reduce the stress by happiness and gaining positivity.
Don't go away from problem they travel till the end of our life in different ways create your own problem solving mentality and build your own mind of Peace status.
Thanks for reading my blog . I hope this article would give you a spirit to solve the problems in life. Share your opinion in 💬 comment.
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