Sunday, 22 December 2019


Life is everything,where it has boundary of birth and death, everyone lead life but some achieve, life is full of experience it may be falling, raising ,love ,family ,destiny ,career , happy or sad memories etc.., but still life doesn't stop of anyone for anything . Life and time are similar they keep on moving it doesn't mean if  your in the journey or not. It has just four  letters but still there is no conclusion where life goes after death . Birth is not in our hand even death takes soul when time ends in life .Life is based on how you  handle the pain and happiness equally and accepting the past and present and moving on towards bright future . Acceptance is very much important to lead a success- full and peace life. Expectation always hurts where disappointment is in every new step of life . failures are stepping stone for success finally reaching the goal is life time achievement .There is no success-full life without a pain-full past and a inspiration . Don't end your life before death .

Life is not about only living happily it has to be accepted in every single step where some one makes you fall or some one pretend to help you and people who speak in back ,overcoming everything is a peace way to lead life. Stay away from the people who doubt your move in every step their  negative thought, it has a part in story of life but it won't be till end of story.

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